Enter the amount that you would like to give below and select where you would like it to go (e.g. regular contribution, youth fund, missions, etc), then follow the instructions to add card or bank account number. Thank you in advance for your help!
There are several ways to give monetarily to the Lord's work at the Camelback church:
Enter the amount you want to give above and complete the forms to enter your card or bank account number.
Bring a check on Sunday morning and put it in the collection box.
Send the money by Zelle through your bank to this email address: giveto@camelbackchurchofchrist.org(Note that there are no fees for using Zelle, so this means 100% of your gift goes to the church. How to use Zelle.)
“Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.”