Get involved at Camelback Church of Christ!
As followers of Jesus, we strive to love God and love people. We want to proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ through biblical teaching, caring service, and meaningful ministries. We invite you to check out our ministries and join in to discover the joy of serving God and others.
Adult Education
The Adult Education Ministry disciples people at all stages of spiritual maturity to become fully devoted followers of Christ. We strive to transform our people into lifelong students of the Bible, and to develop their ability as teachers and servants to share God’s love. We have Bible classes on Sunday mornings at 9:30 a.m.
Our pantry of paper goods, laundry supplies, and non-perishable food is open to members and visitors alike. The pantry is located near a back door so you can choose the items you need and leave discreetly. Our benevolence team is ready to help with more specific needs also.
Camelback Kids
The Camelback church places a high value on the spiritual education and development of all our children and their families. Our kids’ program includes Sunday morning Bible classes for all ages at 9:30 a.m. We also have Children’s Church for 3-8 year olds during the Sunday morning sermon. We have an annual Vacation Bible School each summer for kids ages 4 years-6th grade. We have activities on different holidays like an Easter Egg hunt on Easter and games and goodies for the fall and winter holidays. We want the children to learn about God’s love at church while having fun with one another.
Copper Basin Bible Camp
The Copper Basin Bible Camp in Prescott, Arizona is one of the most beloved ministries of the Camelback family. We have Men’s, Women’s, and Family retreats at the camp at least once a year. And kids from ages 5 years to 12th grade enjoy the annual summer camps where they learn about and grow closer to God through various activities including kayaking, volleyball, singing, and more! And the Copper Basin Bible Camp is a place where men, women, and teens come to serve the youth as camp counselors, teachers, camp cooks, etc. It is a joy and blessing for all involved!
Leadership Training for Christ
Leadership Training for Christ (LTC) is an organization designed to stimulate and encourage spiritual, mental, and social growth among students in Grades 3-12. Its mission is to achieve this growth by developing skills in leadership, Bible knowledge, and Christian servanthood. Skill development in each of these areas will be accomplished through participation in a variety of individual and group events. The students’ activity and preparation throughout the year culminate in competitions and displays at the convention in Scottsdale, AZ over Easter weekend. Some of the activities that students can participate in include Bible Bowls, Christian art, scrapbooking, and signing for the deaf. LTC helps students learn to use their gifts and abilities to serve God and others. Parents, single adults, and college students work with the students to train them to become the leaders of tomorrow. Ways that adults can help include coach a team in various events, drive students to the LTC convention, or assist with materials and/or props for various events.
Men’s Ministries
The goal of the Men’s Ministries is to transform and support men so that they can become devoted servant-leaders for their families, the church, and the community. We encourage the men of the Camelback church to grow closer to God, their families and to others, while reaching out to the community. Some of the ways for men to get involved include teach Bible studies directed at the needs of our men, assist with activities for members and guests, and help plan and carry out service projects and mission opportunities.
The goal of missions is sharing God’s love to those outside our community and our nation to transform them into fully devoted followers of Christ. Our Missions Ministry provides the ways and means to establish and build up the Lord’s church in areas where it is either nonexistent or in need of support. The goal is that these churches will build up to the point where they can become self-supporting.
Our Mission Locations include:
Eastern European Missions
New Mexico Christian Children’s Home
Salt River-Pima Indian Community
Mothers of Preschoolers (MOPS)
The Camelback church of Christ hosts a chapter of the Mothers Of Preschoolers program (MOPS) at our building. MOPS is a nationally recognized program where young moms’ needs are addressed, relationships are cultivated, and spiritual conversations take place. We meet the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of the month, September through April, from 9:30-11:30 a.m. MOPS is open to all moms of preschoolers and daycare is provided for the children.
Senior Christians
Silver Sages meet once a month for lunch and service projects. Please call Tom Johnson at (602) 840-2661 for the date and time of our next event.
We have singing class weekly for young and old alike with our worship leader, Chris Taylor. We sing old favorites and learn new songs, and we have even made a recording of songs to be used to help others. Please do not think you have to be a perfect singer to join us. We are all just amateurs too. We laugh and have fun as we sing praises to God.
This ministry supports the technology needs of the congregation, particularly the office staff. Those needs include but are not limited to computer and network services, telecommunications, video, and security.
Women’s Ministries
The goal of the Women’s Ministries is to bring women closer to God and to each other through Bible study, fellowship, and service. Our Ladies Bible Class meets on Thursdays mornings September through May. This class includes Bible lessons, devotionals, singing, prayers, videos, service projects, and more! We have other projects throughout the year including stocking the church pantry, various forms of hospitality, and home Bible studies.
Worship Service
Sunday Worship Service - Each week members and visitors alike gather from all over the Valley to worship God and learn from the Bible. Our Sunday gatherings are designed to create an atmosphere in which we:
Focus on God’s love for us expressed through the sacrifice of His son Jesus.
Equip and inspire those in attendance to engage in a relationship with God and spiritual relationships with one another.
Equip and inspire believers to engage relationally with those outside of Christ in our community.
Worship Service Coordination
It takes a lot of behind the scenes work and effort to pull off a meaningful worship service. This provides another opportunity for members to show their love and service to the Lord and others. Some of the ministry opportunities for the Sunday morning worship service include reading scripture, leading prayer, greeting members and guests, being an attendance counter, making sure communion supplies are set out and cleaned up, helping the audio/visual team.
Youth 7th Grade – 12th Grade
We are sharing God’s love to transform students into fully devoted disciples of Christ. We INSPIRE, CONNECT, and EQUIP our teens by:
Teaching students to become disciples and have their own faith. We want students to be able to articulate why they believe. John 8:31
Creating a community in which students can feel loved, safe, and welcomed. Acts 2:44
Equipping parents to be the primary people for spiritual formation. Deuteronomy 6:5-7
Showing and teaching students what it looks like to live out God’s mission. Matthew 28:19-20
In addition to Bible learning opportunities, we offer many social activities throughout the year for our Youth including End of the Year and Back to School gatherings featuring on-site basketball, volleyball, mini golf, and corn hole. We host outdoor movies at the grass amphitheater, with popcorn and s’mores by the cozy fire pit. Our teens also learn to serve others through things like tutoring, collecting socks for the homeless, and teaching and performing at Vacation Bible School.