Youth and Families

The goal of the Youth and Family ministry is to:

  • Bridge the gaps between Children’s Ministry, Youth Ministry, Young Adult, and Senior Ministry.

  • Equipping the saints for ministry, first in their own home (Ephesians 4:11-13), then in the world (Acts 2:39).

  • Give parents and caregivers (e.g. grandparents and others) a deep conviction in knowing that they are primarily responsible for training and disciplining their children.

  • Equip and encourage families to be so Christ-centered that their faith is not only passed from one generation to the next, but each family is a living sermon that preaches Christ to the world.

Youth and Family Ministry is the process of intentionally and persistently coordinating a ministry’s proclamation and practices so that parents are acknowledged, trained, and held accountable as primary-disciple makers in their children’s lives. It is the church parenting with the parents, showing them how to live out the Gospel in everyday life practically.

Youth and Family Ministry:

  • Is NOT creating another ministry composed of more activities and events to keep the church busy.

  • Is NOT fragmented into its own domain.

  • Is NOT a ministry of structured and organized activities.

  • Is NOT a cure for all church and family-related issues.

We invite you to join us in this ministry!

Ministry Opportunities

Ministry Opportunities

March 1, 2025 - 3pm

Usary Mountain Park

Join us for the 7th annual "Gram Adventure"!!!
Junior High and High School students are invited to join us on an area-wide Instagram Scavenger Hunt! Join in a friendly competition with teams of other youth groups across the southwest. Take photos, use hashtags, and help your youth group’s team win a PRIZE! This event will be followed by a devotional, and FREE meal!
 ✦ NO Instagram Account? No Smart Phone? NO PROBLEM! You can still help your team win, as each team will have one dedicated account and phone they will be using.
 ✦ START THE GAME on Saturday, March 1st at 3pm at Usery Park - 3939 N Usery Pass Rd, Mesa, AZ 85207.
 ✦ THINGS TO BRING: Water bottle, walking shoes, light jacket, small Bible, & backpack.
 ✦ CONTACT Joshua DuBoise ASAP if you register, plan to register, or with questions– Joshua DuBoise will be chaperoning any youth who would like to attend this event. (

Registration Link:

There is a fee to enter Usery Park $7 for most vehicles $25 for vans with 12-30 people. 
Directions once in the park: once you pass the pay gate you will go straight until you take the 2nd road on your left (Usery Park Road) This will dead end into a parking lot with 2 large picnic areas. we will be at the pavilion on the right. 
Coordinates are 33°28'27.3"N 111°36'45.4"W